Information sur le laboratoire

Talat Bessissow (M.D./M.Sc.)

Unité de recherche clinique
Département de médecine (McGill)

Profil de recherche

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Maladie de Crohn • colite ulcéreuse • cicatrisation des muqueuses • néoplasme • pathogenèse

Intérêts de recherche

Ma recherche porte sur le rôle de la cicatrisation des muqueuses dans le traitement de la maladie inflammatoire chronique de l'intestin. Je m'intéresse également à l'identification des facteurs qui prédisent la rechute de la maladie.

Membre de l'équipe

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Dernières publications

  1. Shehab, M., Al-Hindawi, A. & Bessissow, T. (2025). Editorial: Surveillance Colonoscopy for Detection of Neoplasia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Is Dye-Based Chromoendoscopy Always the Final Answer? Authors' Reply. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics.
  2. Qatomah, A., Bessissow, A., Chen, Y.-I., Bessissow, T. & Benmassaoud, A. (2025). Management of Refractory Esophageal Variceal Bleeding when TIPSS Is Not Possible: Review of a Challenging Case. Case reports in gastroenterology, vol. 19, p. 67-71.
  3. Ngew, E., Kollipara, R., Bessissow, T., Karboune, S. & George, S. (2025). Nanoencapsulation enhanced the performance of β-carotene for ameliorating inflammation in patient-derived organoids. Nanomedicine (London, England), p. 1-13.
  4. Candel, I., Wetwittayakhlang, P., Bessissow, T. & Lakatos, P. L. (2025). The Importance of Post-Inflammatory Polyps (PIPs) in Colorectal Cancer Surveillance in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Journal of clinical medicine, vol. 14.
  5. Shehab, M., Al-Hindawi, A., Alrashed, F., Murthy, S., Bisschops, R., Hoentjen, F., Barkun, A., Singh, S. & Bessissow, T. (2025). Network Meta-Analysis: Comparison of Endoscopic Dysplasia Detection Technologies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, vol. 61, p. 938-949.
  6. Farkas, B., Bessissow, T., Limdi, J. K., Sethi-Arora, K., Kagramanova, A., Knyazev, O., Bezzio, C., Armuzzi, A., Lukas, M., Michalopoulos, G., Chaskova, E., Savarino, E. V., Castiglione, F., Rispo, A., Schäfer, E., Saibeni, S., Filip, R., Attauabi, M., Fousekis, F. S., Bacsur, P., Resál, T., Bálint, A., Ivány, E., Szepes, Z., Bősze, Z., Fábián, A., Bor, R., Farkas, K., Lakatos, P. L. & Molnár, T. (2024). Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Selective JAK Inhibitors in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease: A Retrospective, Multicentre Study. Journal of clinical medicine, vol. 13.
  7. Solitano, V., Narula, N., Ma, C., Nanayakkara, A., Suarez, K. E., Zoughlami, A., Guizzetti, L., Bessissow, T. & Jairath, V. (2024). Effectiveness of Ustekinumab for patients with moderate to severe Ulcerative Colitis: A Multi-Center Real-World Canadian Study. The American journal of gastroenterology.
  8. Di Fonzo, D. M. P., Alabdulkarim, B., Yanofsky, R., Abduallah, Y., Golovics, P., Lakatos, P. L., Bitton, A., Wild, G., Afif, W. & Bessissow, T. (2024). Association Between Serum Ustekinumab Concentrations and Endoscopic Disease Activity in Moderate-to-Severe Crohn's Disease Patients. Crohn's & colitis 360, vol. 6, p. otae071.
  9. Abbas, A., Di Fonzo, D. M. P., Wetwittayakhlang, P., Al-Jabri, R., Lakatos, P. L. & Bessissow, T. (2024). Management of ulcerative colitis: where are we at and where are we heading?. Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology, p. 1-8.
  10. Bacsur, P., Resál, T., Sarlós, P., Iliás, Á., Dalma Sümegi, L., Kata, D., Dávid, A., Farkas, B., Ivány, E., Bálint, A., Bősze, Z., Fábián, A., Bor, R., Szepes, Z., Afif, W., Bessissow, T., Farkas, K., Lakatos, P. L. & Molnár, T. (2024). Outcomes of treatment cessation after switching to subcutaneous vedolizumab treatment in inflammatory bowel diseases. Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology, vol. 17, p. 17562848241290636.
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