
Heure | Événement | |
10:30 à 12:00 |
Accueil des participants Recevez votre porte-nom et feuille de participation au tirage de l'exposition.* |
10:30 à 12:00 |
Exposition de produits, café, viennoiseries et réseautage Visitez nos exposants, accumulez les estampes et dégustez les viennoiseries ! |
12:00 à 1:25 |
Exposition de produits, lunch et réseautage Le lunch sera servi aux invités inscrits. |
1:25 à 1:30 |
Allocution d'ouverture – Dr Bruce Mazer Directeur exécutif et directeur scientifique en chef de l'IR-CUSM. |
1:30 à 2:05 |
How common infections in pregnancy can alter a child’s life trajectory |
2:05 à 2:40 |
The greying of the HIV epidemic—is there accelerated or accentuated aging? |
2:40 à 3:00 |
Pause-café | |
3:00 à 3:35 |
Understanding the biological causes for changes in HIV susceptibility in women over the life span |
3:35 à 4:10 |
Connecting genomics research to new understanding of autoimmune disease cause and management |
4:10 à 4:35 |
Mot de la fin – Dr Erwin Schurr Mot de la fin ainsi que remise des bourses de voyage IDIGH et nombreux prix de présence. |
4:35 à 6:00 |
Vins et fromages de réseautage Rencontrez et discutez avec les participants ! |
*Pour être admissible au tirage de l'un des nombreux prix de présence, vous devez visiter au moins 15 kiosques de nos exposants pour y faire estamper votre formulaire. Une fois que vous avez un minimum de 15 estampes, retournez votre formulaire au bureau d'inscription et vous serez inscrit au tirage du prix de présence. Bonne chance aux participants !
Conférenciers invités
Les résumés ont été fournis par les conférenciers en anglais seulement.
Dr Kevin Kain
Canada Research Chair in Molecular Parasitology.
Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto.
Science Director
Tropical Disease Unit, Toronto General Hospital – University Health Network.
SA Rotman Laboratories, Sandra Rotman Centre for Global Health.
Dr. Kain is a Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto; Director, SAR Laboratories, Sandra Rotman Centre for Global Health; Science Director, Tropical Disease Unit at Toronto General Hospital; and holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier I). Dr. Kain’s research career began with Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) working on the 1st generation of malaria vaccines including the 1st field trials (Thai-Cambodian border). His efforts now focus on the pathobiology of life-threatening infections in order to develop new diagnostics and interventions to improve outcome. Dr Kain’s efforts are also focused on global maternal –child health, gender equality, knowledge sharing and education, including the transfer of appropriate technologies and the training of scientists in the developing world, enabling and empowering them to address their own problems in a sustainable fashion. He operates multiple global research projects including projects in Mozambique, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, Colombia, Thailand, and Vietnam.
In December 2017 he was invited to speak at the White House on the emergence of an alarming multi-drug resistant strain of malaria and it’s implications for US foreign policy and US multi-nationals. He has also served as a consultant to many organizations including the Gates Foundation, Red Cross, PATH, US Department of Defense, and the CDC.
Visit his website for more information.
Dr Sharon Walmsley
University health network, University of Toronto
Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
University of Toronto
She is the Director of the Immunodeficiency Clinic, Toronto Hospital, University Health Network and a Professor, University of Toronto Department of Medicine. She is a Senior Scientist at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute and the Co- Chair of the CIHR- Canadian HIV Trials Network. She is actively involved in the design, conduct and analysis of many clinical trials, including trials in HIV therapy; prophylaxis and treatment of opportunistic infections, and management of the complications of treatment. She has had a longstanding and strong interest in gender differences in HIV in women. She has been an advocate of gender specific analysis of clinical trials of antiretroviral therapy. She holds numerous peer-reviewed publications and research awards related to clinical trials in HIV. She is the recipient of a Chair in HIV Clinical Management and Aging from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network. In June 2017, she was appointed as a Member of the Order of Canada contributions in HIV Research especially related to advancing therapy for women, and mentoring young female investigators.
Visit his website for more information.
Dr Charu Kaushic
Department of Pathology and Mol. Medicine
McMaster Immunology Research Center,
McMaster University
Charu Kaushic was appointed as the Scientific Director of the Institute of Infection and Immunity, starting July 1, 2018. Dr. Kaushic is a full Professor in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine. She is a member of the McMaster Immunology Research Centre (MIRC) and the Michael De Groote Institute of Infectious Disease Research (IIDR) and an Associate Faculty in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
Dr. Kaushic obtained her PhD at National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi, India followed by post-doctoral work in the area of mucosal immunity at Dartmouth Medical School with Dr. Charles Wira. She joined as faculty in McMaster University in 2002, where she has done extensive teaching and training and built an interdisciplinary research program for last 15 years. Her research interest is women’s reproductive health, specifically basic, clinical and translational research examining susceptibility and immune responses to sexually transmitted viruses, HIV-1 and HSV-2. Areas of special focus in her research are effect of female sex hormones, co-infections and microbiome on mucosal immunity to viral STIs. Charu has special interest in public education, especially on women’s reproductive health issues and has long term collaborations with community research organizations.
Dr. Kaushic’s research has been funded by CIHR, CFI, CANFAR and OHTN. Charu has received numerous national and international awards including a Rockefeller post-doctoral fellowship, CIHR New Investigator Award, OHTN Research Scholar award, OHTN Research Chair award and recently an American Journal of Reproductive Immunology Research Excellence Award. She has served on a number of scientific panels including CIHR, NIH and is a member of CIHR College of Reviewers, was a research representative on OHTN Board of Directors and Secretary of the American Society of Reproductive Immunology.
Visit his website for more information.
Dr Katherine A. Siminovitch
Senior Scientist
Mount Sinai Hospital/University Health Network
Dr. Siminovitch is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto, holds an MD from the University of Toronto, and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. She serves as the Director of the Fred A. Litwin Family Centre of Genetic Medicine at the University Health Network (UHN) and Mount Sinai Hospital and also founded and directs the UHN/MSH Clinical Genomics Centre.
Dr. Siminovitch’s research programme is directed at identifying the molecular factors which regulate normal immune responses and which, when disrupted, result in immune deficiency or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and other autoimmune inflammatory conditions. Using both basic research tools and clinical sample sets, Dr. Siminovitch has made many seminal contributions to defining the genetic variants predisposing to these diseases and the molecular pathways which couple these lesions to cell dysfunction and disease. Over the past few years, she has initiated a personalized healthcare platform at MSH, aimed at integrating advanced molecular information with clinical data so as to identify gene variants influencing disease risk and genetic/immunologic predictors of disease course and treatment responses.
Dr. Siminovitch has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the American Association of Physicians and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and she holds a Canada Research Chair in Immunogenomics.
Plus de photos sont disponibles ici: Le Symposium IDIGH 2019 a été un succès .
Merci à nos commanditaires et partenaires

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Notre symposium représente une bonne opportunité pour rencontrer les chercheurs et cliniciens du CUSM œuvrant en maladies infectieuses, immunité et santé mondiale. L’événement se déploie dans le magnifique atrium de l’IR-CUSM et son amphithéâtre qui peuvent accueillir plus de 200 personnes. Ne manquez pas cette formidable opportunité de promouvoir vos produits et services auprès de nos invités ainsi que de toute la communauté de l’IR-CUSM. Pour plus d’information, veuillez contacter notre gestionnaire (Éric Béliveau,
Les graphiques ci-dessous montre un portrait des participants présents au Symposium IDIGH 2019.