Lab Information
Michael Libman (MD)
InvestigatorClinical Research Unit
Department of Medicine (McGill)
Tropical diseases • parasitology • travel medicine • epidemiologyResearch Interests
My research focuses on tropical and travel related illness. My primary focus is on the epidemiology of imported infections. Much of my work is through the GeoSentinel network, a multi-centre collaboration among clinics seeing post travel illness, under the oversight of the International Society for Travel Medicien and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.I am also involved in the study of diseases found in our native and northern communities. Our lab studies new methods for the diagnosis of parasitic infections.Team Members
Name | Position |
Latest Publications
- O'Laughlin, K., Huits, R., Libman, M., Kozarsky, P. & Hamer, D. H. (2025). Oropouche Virus: A Rising Threat in the Western Hemisphere. Annals of internal medicine, vol. 178, p. 116-118.
- Weckman, A. M., Guagliardo, S. A. J., Crowley, V. M., Moro, L., Piubelli, C., Ursini, T., van Ierssel, S. H., Gobbi, F. G., Emetulu, H., Rizwan, A., Angelo, K. M., Licitra, C., Connor, B. A., Barkati, S., Ngai, M., Zhong, K., Huits, R., Hamer, D. H., Libman, M. & Kain, K. C. (2024). Host Response Markers of Inflammation and Endothelial Activation Associated with COVID-19 Severity and Mortality: A GeoSentinel Prospective Observational Cohort. Viruses, vol. 16.
- McGuinness, S. L., Veit, O., Angelin, M., Antonini, P., Boecken, G., Boering, M., Bühler, S., Calleri, G., Éperon, G., Flaherty, G., Gossner, C., Askling, H. H., Holmberg, V., Kuenzli, E., Landry, P., Lefevre, E., Libman, M., Longley, N., Maniewski-Kelner, U., Neumayr, A., Rapp, C., Ridpath, A. D., Rodriguez, N., Rosdahl, A., Rosenbusch, D., Rossanese, A., Rothe, C., Schlagenhauf, P., Soentjens, P., Staehelin, C., Visser, J., Visser, L., Wagner, A., Walker, A., Wiedermann, U., Wroczynska, A. & Hatz, C. (2024). Streamlining malaria prevention recommendations for travellers: current and future approaches. Journal of travel medicine, vol. 31.
- Xia, Y., Caya, C., Morin, V., Singh, A. E., Serhir, B., Libman, M., Goldfarb, D. M., Wong, T., Xiu, F., Bélanger, R., Touchette, J.-S., Yansouni, C. P. & Maheu-Giroux, M. (2024). The population-level impact of introducing rapid diagnostic tests on syphilis transmission in Canadian arctic communities - a mathematical modeling study. Lancet regional health. Americas, vol. 37, p. 100845.
- McGuinness, S. L., Muhi, S., Nadimpalli, M. L., Babiker, A., Theunissen, C., Stroffolini, G., Motta, L., Gobbi, F., Huits, R., Libman, M., Leder, K. & GeoSentinel Network (2024). Patient characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae infections in international travellers: a GeoSentinel analysis. Journal of travel medicine.
- Duvignaud, A., Stoney, R. J., Angelo D O, K. M., Chen, L. H., Cattaneo, P., Motta, L., Gobbi, F. G., Bottieau, E., Bourque, D. L., Popescu, C. P., Glans, H., Asgeirsson, H., Oliveira-Souto, I., Vaughan, S. D., Amatya, B., Norman, F. F., Waggoner, J., Diaz-Menendez, M., Beadsworth, M., Odolini, S., Camprubí-Ferrer, D., Epelboin, L., Connor, B. A., Eperon, G., Schwartz, E., Libman, M., Malvy, D., Hamer, D. H., Huits, R. & GeoSentinel Network (2024). Epidemiology of Travel-Associated Dengue from 2007 to 2022: A GeoSentinel Analysis. Journal of travel medicine, vol. 31.
- Huits, R., Grubaugh, N. D., Libman, M. & Hamer, D. H. (2024). Resurgence of Dengue in the Era of Genomic Surveillance and Vaccines. Annals of internal medicine, vol. 177, p. 670-671.
- Weitzel, T., Brown, A., Libman, M., Perret, C., Huits, R., Chen, L., Leung, D., Leder, K., Connor, B. A., Menéndez, M. D., Asgeirsson, H., Schwartz, E., Salvador, F., Malvy, D., Saio, M., Norman, F. F., Amatya, B., Duvingnaud, A., Vaughan, S., Glynn, M., Angelo, K. M. & GeoSentinel Network (2024). Intestinal protozoa in returning travellers: a GeoSentinel analysis from 2007 to 2019. Journal of travel medicine, vol. 31.
- Heidema, S., Stoepker, I. V., Flaherty, G., Angelo, K. M., Post, R. A. J., Miller, C., Libman, M., Hamer, D. H., van den Heuvel, E. R. & Huits, R. (2024). From GeoSentinel data to epidemiological insights: a multidisciplinary effort towards artificial intelligence-supported detection of infectious disease outbreaks. Journal of travel medicine, vol. 31.
- Bierbrier, R., Javelle, E., Norman, F. F., Chen, L. H., Bottieau, E., Schwartz, E., Leder, K., Angelo, K. M., Stoney, R. J., Libman, M., Hamer, D. H., Huits, R., Connor, B. A., Simon, F., Barkati, S. & GeoSentinel Network (2024). Chikungunya infection in returned travellers: results from the geosentinel network, 2005-2020. Journal of travel medicine, vol. 31.