Information sur le laboratoire

Philip Wong (M.D./M.Sc.)

Chercheur associé
Unité de recherche clinique
Département de médecine (McGill)

Profil de recherche

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Hépatologie • hépatite • stéatohépatite non alcoolique

Membre de l'équipe

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Dernières publications

  1. Elgretli, W., Shengir, M., Sasson, S., Ramanakumar, A. V., Cinque, F., Ballestreros, L. E. R., Deschenes, M., Wong, P., Chen, T., Kronfli, N., Saeed, S., Keeshan, A., Tandon, S., Cooper, C. & Sebastiani, G. (2025). Association of MASLD Phenotypes With Liver Fibrosis in Hepatitis C: The Role of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors. Journal of viral hepatitis, vol. 32, p. e70004.
  2. Sachar, Y., Congly, S. E., Burak, K. W., Manko, A., Ko, H. H., Ramji, A., Rahman, H. S., Talia, J., Jeyaparan, J., Wong, D. W., Fung, S., Cooper, C., Kelly, E. M., Ma, M. M., Bailey, R., Minuk, G., Wong, A., Doucette, K., Elkashab, M., Sebastiani, G., Wong, P., Coffin, C. S. & Brahmania, M. (2024). Epidemiology, Treatment Patterns and Survival in Canadian Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Journal of viral hepatitis, vol. 31, p. 739-745.
  3. Bienz, M., Renaud, C., Liu, J. R., Wong, P. & Pelletier, P. (2024). Hepatitis E Virus in the United States and Canada: Is It Time to Consider Blood Donation Screening?. Transfusion medicine reviews, vol. 38, p. 150835.
  4. Zoughlami, A., Serero, J., Congly, S., Zhao, I., Zhu, J., Ramji, A., Cooper, C., Wong, P., Bailey, R., Coffin, C. S., Sebastiani, G. & Canadian HBV Network (2023). Diagnosis of esophageal varices by liver stiffness and serum biomarkers in virus-related compensated advanced chronic liver disease. Canadian liver journal, vol. 6, p. 332-346.
  5. Qatomah, A., Hass, A., Wong, P. & Deschenes, M. (2023). Child-Turcotte-Pugh score as a model for organ allocation in liver transplantation, perhaps old is still gold. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver, vol. 43, p. 2330-2331.
  6. Hass, A., Qatomah, A., Deschenes, M. & Wong, P. (2023). Importance of gender differences in body composition for liver transplantation and the 'Sarco-Model' study. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver, vol. 43, p. 2327.
  7. Congly, S. E., Marquez, V., Bhanji, R. A., Bhat, M., Wong, P., Huard, G., Zhu, J. H. & Brahmania, M. (2023). Exception points for liver transplantation: A Canadian review. Canadian liver journal, vol. 6, p. 201-214.
  8. Nguyen, D.-D., Bouhadana, D., Wong, P. & Andonian, S. (2022). What is the prevalence of hepatic steatosis on ultrasonography in patients followed for nephrolithiasis?. Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada, vol. 16, p. 442-446.
  9. Smith, M. K., Chow, J., Huang, R., Omar, M., Ebadi, M., Wong, P., Huard, G., Yoshida, E. M., Peretz, D., Brahmania, M., Montano-Loza, A. J. & Bhanji, R. A. (2022). COVID-19 infection in liver transplant recipients: Clinical features and outcomes from a Canadian multicentre cohort. Canadian liver journal, vol. 5, p. 507-512.
  10. Ramji, A., Doucette, K., Cooper, C., Minuk, G. Y., Ma, M., Wong, A., Wong, D., Tam, E., Conway, B., Truong, D., Wong, P., Barrett, L., Ko, H. H., Haylock-Jacobs, S., Patel, N., Kaplan, G. G., Fung, S. & Coffin, C. S. (2022). Nationwide retrospective study of hepatitis B virological response and liver stiffness improvement in 465 patients on nucleos(t)ide analogue. World journal of gastroenterology, vol. 28, p. 4390-4398.
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