Information sur le laboratoire
Elizabeth Hazel (M.D.)
Chercheur associéUnité de recherche clinique
Département de médecine (McGill)
Maladie rhumatismale • Lupus érythémateux disséminéMembre de l'équipe
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Dernières publications
- Lee, S., Bourque, J., Noël, L., Hazel, E., Ramsay, E., Bélice, R. & Robbins, S. (2024). Psychometric properties of the Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test and physical function measures in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome/hypermobility spectrum disorders. Disability and rehabilitation, p. 1-6.
- Colmegna, I., Valerio, V., Amiable, N., Useche, M., Rampakakis, E., Flamand, L., Rollet-Labelle, E., Bessette, L., Fitzcharles, M.-A., Hazel, E., McCormack, D., Michou, L., Panopalis, P., Langlois, M.-A., Bernatsky, S. & Fortin, P. R. (2023). COVID-19 Vaccine in Immunosuppressed Adults with Autoimmune rheumatic Diseases (COVIAAD): safety, immunogenicity and antibody persistence at 12 months following Moderna Spikevax primary series. RMD open, vol. 9.
- Jetha, A., Tucker, L., Shahidi, F. V., Backman, C., Kristman, V. L., Hazel, E. M., Perlin, L., Proulx, L., Chen, C. & Gignac, M. A. M. (2023). How Does Job Insecurity and Workplace Activity Limitations Relate to Rheumatic Disease Symptom Trajectories in Young Adulthood? A Longitudinal Study. Arthritis care & research, vol. 75, p. 14-21.
- Labbé, S., Colmegna, I., Valerio, V., Boucher, V. G., Peláez, S., Dragomir, A. I., Laurin, C., Hazel, E. M., Bacon, S. L. & Lavoie, K. L. (2022). Training Physicians in Motivational Communication to Address Influenza Vaccine Hesitation: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Vaccines, vol. 10.
- Valerio, V., Hudson, M., Wang, M., Bernatsky, S., Hazel, E. M., Ward, B. & Colmegna, I. (2022). Influenza Vaccine Hesitancy and Its Determinants Among Rheumatology Patients. ACR open rheumatology, vol. 4, p. 352-362.
- Robbins, S. M., Wolfe, R., Chang, Y.-Y., Lavoie, M., Preston, E. & Hazel, E. M. (2022). Inter-segmental coordination amplitude and variability differences during gait in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and healthy adults. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), vol. 94, p. 105515.
- Spiegel, L., Tucker, L., Duffy, K. W., Lalloo, C., Hundert, A., Bourre-Tessier, J., Hazel, E., Luca, N., Mosher, D., Nguyen, C., Stringer, E., Victor, C. & Stinson, J. (2021). Development and validation of the RACER (Readiness for Adult Care in Rheumatology) transition instrument in youth with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Pediatric rheumatology online journal, vol. 19, p. 83.
- Colmegna, I., Valerio, V., Gosselin-Boucher, V., Lacoste, G., Labbe, S., Lavoie, K. L., Hazel, E., Ward, B., Hudson, M. & Peláez, S. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to influenza and pneumococcal vaccine hesitancy in rheumatoid arthritis: a qualitative study. Rheumatology (Oxford, England), vol. 60, p. 5257-5270.
- Jetha, A., Tucker, L., Backman, C., Kristman, V. L., Bowring, J., Hazel, E. M., Perlin, L., Proulx, L., Chen, C. & Gignac, M. A. M. (2022). Rheumatic Disease Disclosure at the Early Career Phase and Its Impact on the Relationship Between Workplace Supports and Presenteeism. Arthritis care & research, vol. 74, p. 1751-1760.
- Valerio, V., Bazan, M. C., Wang, M., Mazer, B. D., Pineau, C. A., Hazel, E. M., Bernatsky, S., Ward, B. J. & Colmegna, I. (2021). A multimodal intervention increases influenza vaccine uptake in rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical rheumatology, vol. 40, p. 575-579.
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