Notre série de séminaires offre une plateforme de diffusion aux chercheurs du programme IDIGH et accueille également des chercheurs de haut niveau d'autres institutions. Elle intègre des présentations tant de recherche fondamentale que de recherche clinique ou épidémiologique.
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How omics data and machine learning can assist the clinical decision: a tale of numbers!
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in people living with HIV: Potential underlying causes and targets for intervention
The role of model organisms in identifying heterogeneity in host susceptibility to virus infections
Investigating the source of Clostridium difficile infections using whole-genome sequencin
Regulatory networks controlling the Leishmania response to stress and intracellular development
SLAM family receptors and immune response
HPV-related disease prevention in men and women living with HIV
HIV-1 reservoirs in CD4 T cell subpopulations
Dynamics of Foxp3+ regulatory T cell function in health and disease
Elimination of Visceral Leishmaniasis through Basic and Implementation Research
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