Les séminaires des stagiaires et des professionnels IDIGH sont organisés par le Comité d'engagement pour la communauté et la recherche du programme IDIGH. Les étudiants diplômés ainsi que les post-doctorants et les profesionnels du programme sont encouragés à présenter leurs recherches les plus récentes lors de ces séminaires.
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Trends in hepatitis C virus seroprevalence and associated risk factors among men who have sex with men in Montreal: results from three crosssectional studies
Prevalence and associated factors of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and a Prospective study
Characterization of Fc-dependent HIVspecific antibody functionality in HIV Controllers associated with HIV control
Tuberculosis case fatality in the Indian private sector
Drug Discovery for Nontuberculous Mycobacteria: 'Standardized' drug susceptibility testing
Characterizing the Inflammatory Response Following Interaction Between Ebola Virus and Host Cells
The role of leishmania gp63 in innate immunity during infection
Feasibility of an innovative AideSmart! app-based multiplexed, point-of-care screening and counselling strategy for HIV-associated co-infections in key Canadian populations
Access to essential diagnostics at primary care level
Pre-clinical evaluation of a novel “non-binding” virus-like particle vaccine for influenza
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