Congratulations to Dr. Donald Sheppard who has been inducted into the American Society for Clinical Investigation!
Congratulations to Dr. Erwin Schurr who has been appointed Distinguished James McGill Professor.
Congratulations to all IDIGH members who were awarded by the FRSQ this year! See the table below for the list:
Congratulations to the IDIGH Research Day oral and poster presentation winners!
Congratulations to Dr. Évelyne Vinet receives the CRA’s Young Investigator Award. The CRA award recognizes a young Canadian Investigator who has contributed significant, original research in rheumatology. The candidate must be a CRA member in good standing and must be no more than seven years into becoming established as an Independent Investigator, who has performed outstanding, landmark, original research (clinical or basic science) in rheumatology as judged by peers and citations. For more information read the full article on or
Congratulations to Dr. Marcel Behr who has been awarded a 3-year grant by Cystic Fibrosis Canada for his project entitled: “Non-tuberculous mycobacteria in CF - new chemistries for old targets”.
Also, congratulations to two students in Dr. Behr’s lab who earned CF Canada studentships in the same competition! Nowrin Hoque is a Masters student who previously worked in the laboratory of Dr. Dao Nguyen. Nowrin is looking at whether new drugs developed to fight tuberculosis can also benefit patients with disease due to related non-tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), more commonly seen in CF patients. Jaryd Sullivan is also a Masters student. His project project involves developing a new method to determine whether drugs bind to the bacterial target, in collaboration with the Structural Genomics Consortium. The goal of his project is to discover novel compounds that can be used to combat NTM infections in CF patients.
Congratulations to Dr. Don Sheppard who has been awarded a 3-year grant (273,834$) by Cystic Fibrosis Canada for his project entitled: “Development of therapeutic agents for Pseudomonas and Aspergillus lung disease in cystic fibrosis”.
Congratulations to Dr. Nitika Pant Pai named among the Economist’s 2017 HCV Change Makers! Read more on the McGill Faculty of Medicine Electronic Newsletter or The Economist, Intelligence Unit: Path to Zero website.
Congratulations to Dr. Donald Sheppard who has been elected as Fellow in the American Academy of Microbiology! An honorific leadership group within the American Society for Microbiology, recognizing excellence, originality, and leadership in the microbiological sciences.
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