Congratulations to the fall 2018 CIHR Grant recipients from the IDIGH Program!

Dr. Cedric Yansouni*Stopping Syphilis Transmission in Arctic communities through Rapid Diagnostic Testing (STAR study) ($531,674/3 yrs)

Dr. Donald Vinh*Harnessing the power of Monocytes/Macrophages in Intestinal Immunity to Candidiasis ($680,850/5 yrs)

Dr. Moshe Ben-Shoshan*GRADE: GRAded challenge for Drug allergy Evaluation ($336,600/4 yrs)

Dr. Joseph Cox*Antiretroviral-based HIV prevention and its impact on sexual risk behaviours and HIV/STIs among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men: Engage Cohort Study ($2,673,676/4 yrs)

Dr. Nadine Kronfli*Dr. Joseph Cox,  Dr. Marina Klein and Dr. Bertrand LebouchéTowards the micro-elimination of hepatitis C virus among Canadian provincial prison inmates: The effectiveness of patient navigation on treatment uptake ($309,824/4 yrs)

Dr. Carolyn Baglole*, Denis Jensen  and Dr. Martin Olivier (Co-investigators: Dr. Andrea Benedetti, Dr. Jorg Fritz, Dr. Stéphane Laporte and Dr. Ciriaco Piccirillo): Immunological consequences of inhaled cannabis and selected cannabinoids ($1,005,975/5 yrs)

Dr. Takano Tomoko*, Dr. Ciriaco Piccirillo and Dr. Susan Samuel: Defining the immune dysfunction in childhood nephrotic syndrome: Toward therapeutic reversal without glucocorticoids ($100,000/1 yr)



* Nominated principal investigator (NPA).