Dr. Nitika Pant Pai’s (MD, MPH, PhD) global implementation research program is based in Canada, India and South Africa. She is primarily focused on synergies of rapid diagnostics and digital health for HIV and associated co-infections (Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, HPV, bacterial STIs). She develops and incorporates innovation, implementation science, digital health and artificial intelligence, to generate solutions that plug health service delivery gaps. She strives to generate clinical, public health and social impact. Her innovations are being evaluated and implemented nationally & internationally. She has advised on many technical working groups for health agencies: WHO, Foundation for Innovative Diagnostics (Geneva), PSI (Washington), Gates Foundation (Seattle), ASLM (Africa), CDC/PEPFAR (Atlanta). She has received research and innovation awards, ASAP award from Google, Plos & Wellcome Trust, Chanchalani award, and Maude Abott Award, among others. Her work has been featured by the MacLeans, The Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette, Times now, Times, CTV, CBC, BBC, Al Jazeera, Radio-Canada, Changemakers of the Economist and most recently, The Wall Street Journal. She is also on the list of Canadian women leader in Global Health (2018, 2020). Her website is nitikapantpai.com.
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